The Thought Zone


Jun 05, 2024

Bad habits are coming back again, can we not do that?

May 29, 2024

There's been a lack of energy lately. Change is tiring.

Apr 30, 2024

Phases of, well, you know

Apr 14, 2024


Apr 04, 2024

We've gotta break the obsession I cannot do this again

Apr 01, 2024

I need a haircut so bad

Mar 19, 2024

I feel like I have reverted back to my teenage years where I sit in my dirty room, feel the weight of anxiety on my head, leave sweat stains on my clothes, and think about masturbating while scrolling through a random webpage. I think finding a vacuum will help to solve this problem.

Mar 02, 2024

Maybe 2 spoons, or something

Jan 08, 2024

I love this little guy to pieces đź’•đź’•đź’•

Dec 11, 2023

The fact I get closer and closer to being a real adult with real adult responsibilities is both encouraging and terrifying. Encouraging, as I’ll have more personal agency with how and who I want to be. Terrifying, because I’ll have to come face to face with the cruel injustices of the world and I can no longer just bury my head under the sand about it.

Dec 10, 2023

Fuck him (plural and universal statement)

Dec 09, 2023

The aftereffects of drugs/alcohol is actually the best part of doing them tbh. I feel a wave of calm, like the intensity of the world is no longer within me

Nov 24, 2023

You can never escape, NEVER ESCAPE

Nov 04, 2023

Having the thing where I’m lonely, but too tired and busy to do anything about it…

Oct 28, 2023

I swear if I hear another absolutely grim and horrifying thing from anyone I'm going to actually buy a rock and live under it

Oct 26, 2023

I don’t want to interact with another human being physically or virtually for the next 5 days

Oct 23, 2023

My energy to put up with assholes and their stupid nonsense is running so thin

Oct 19, 2023


Oct 11, 2023

I'm still incredibly scared of him. That pit in my stomach that he burned will never, ever go away.

Oct 09, 2023

the masculine urge to not go to my last class of today

Oct 06, 2023

God I want this to be over already…

Oct 01, 2023

My life is one massive email that never seems to stop sending itself. I'm like the "I Love You" virus but more annoying than dangerous

Sep 27, 2023

Someone has put me in the toaster and for that I am grateful

I'm high

Sep 25, 2023

Seasonal depression

Sep 24, 2023

Just had the worst sleep in a long time last night...

Sep 15, 2023

Been dreaming about my cat recently. I have been missing her a lot...

Sep 14, 2023

Time for bed, if I think anymore I will start screaming

Sep 11, 2023

I don’t wish to admit it, but I don’t get a great feeling from his friends. Perhaps it’s simply because I’m a lot different than they are, or they’re just a lot more talkative than me, but I never feel truly comfortable around any of them. The only person I liked in his friend group has since left, so talking to her isn’t really possible.

I know I’m just being sensitive for no legitimate reason, but they all kinda disturb something within me that I don’t particularly like.

Sep 08, 2023

There are no girls at this school who want to absolutely destroy me and that just makes me so sad

Sep 06, 2023

Brain feels particularly gelatinous today

Sep 04, 2023

Broke up with Naturalism, currently in a fwb situationship with Decadence

Sep 03, 2023

I kid you not, the electronic studio is my happy place. It’s like hanging with the cool kids as they cheer you on with your life goals. Getting to say hi to the old Macintosh SE in there too gives me so much joy💕

Aug 25, 2023

It's funny how much I missed the feeling of sitting in a classroom about an hour before the class actually starts. The peace and quiet, no one bothering you, stomach full of food. It's genuinely a calming college experience

Aug 24, 2023

Time and nature really is healingđź’•

Aug 21, 2023

Got the sleepies ZzZzZz

Aug 17, 2023


Aug 16, 2023

Currently experiencing the "Thought Paradox"

Aug 14, 2023

I find it so strange that having vivid dreams can make you feel unrested when you wake up in the morning. I mean, usually it’s due to a bad dream, but not always. I also hate that it happens during nights I’m having trouble sleeping as is.

Aug 09, 2023

I am the housewife

Aug 07, 2023

I’ve never wanted to do that so badly since I was on Zoloft… I am extremely unwell actually

Jul 29, 2023

It's been a blue few days. It's clear that I'm not doing enough to get me out of this depression

Jul 27, 2023

Silly fellow, silly fellow is against me!

Jul 24, 2023

Do it scared

Jul 22, 2023

They call that “relapsing” unfortunately…

Jul 21, 2023

Spinning my wheels

Jul 18, 2023


Jul 17, 2023

Liminal space in my own home

Jul 16, 2023

God I can't stand the humidity making my room feel like a goddamn sauna. Everything feels so close it's awful

Jul 15, 2023

They’re so heavy

Jul 12, 2023

god I fucking love gay people

Jul 12, 2023

Had a dream about them and now I am incredibly touch starved again

Jul 10, 2023


Jul 09, 2023


Jul 08, 2023

I want to be on T so bad

Jul 07, 2023

I’m lonely, yet the thought of hanging out with someone makes me so nauseous

Jul 06, 2023

Ok that made me really irritable

Jul 06, 2023

Re: *she

Jul 06, 2023

He seems like the kind of guy who’d teach me how to get laid

Jul 04, 2023

Was looking at old nudes of mine from 2-3 years ago and noticed how much more confidence I have now than I did then. It’s so clear I was trying to be something I’m not, and it makes me feel really good to see how much I’ve grown in accepting my gender identity and other internal/external strangeness.

Jul 04, 2023

I’ve genuinely haven’t felt this positively productive about something in a while

Jul 03, 2023

I honestly am so frustrated at the fact that I can’t trust my feelings with anyone. Any emotion or complex thought process I have about a person suddenly turns into me thinking I’m asking too much or I’m being obsessive, therefore I don’t have the ability to act rationally.

It doesn’t help that people I was once close with have talked shit behind my back claiming that I act that way…

Jul 02, 2023

Falling down holes again

Jul 01, 2023

My 15 year old cat has loved me more than any other living organism out there

hosted on theme by evy. check out the thoughts webring!